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sorry, guys. my weblog is open to everyone, but you have to join antville. it's painless - don't worry. you'll never get spam or have to pay for something or anything. just login once, and forget it.
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I'm not moving to NY yet - I moved my weblog. It's now on my own hosted pages, powered by blogger, so it should be more stable. antville has way more to offer, but its so buggy for me.
update your links -
or, just go to for now.
contact me ...
do you know what my life consists of lately? liveing through other people's livejournals. do you have any idea how freaking sad that is? well, you might, if you're reading this.
oh wait.
nobody reads my weblog. it's mine, and I wouldn't even want to fucking read it.
only 24 days. that sucks, ...
I finally saw X2. quite superb. I enjoyed it a lot.
now, on the matrix reloaded.
and then riding a bike.
and then, and only then, will I be a teen-age kid.
why are people like this? you know who you are.
Supreme Court upholds affirmative action. how many years are we going to have to fight this one now? when will the white guilt end? when will we act equal?
Ari (my hero) is being replaced by Scott McLellan, or however its spelled. ...